Laser Tongue & Lip Tie Release

Lips ties, tongue ties, or sometimes both occur in approximately 10% of infants. These conditions restrict the baby’s tongue movement and often negatively affect their ability to nurse or bottle-feed. Laser dentistry allows us to correct tongue and lip ties quickly, accurately, and comfortably. 

It is important to note that not all lip ties and tongue ties cause problems or even require treatment. Our qualified staff members will perform a thorough examination to determine a diagnosis based on function and range of motion rather than appearance.

  • What is a Lip-Tie?

    A lip-tie is caused by a short superior labial frenum (the tissue that attaches the upper gums to the top lip). 

    This condition limits the patient’s lip range of motion and can potentially cause: 

    • Challenges with nursing & eating 
    • An inability to latch, create an effective seal, or flange the lip upward while breastfeeding
    • Struggles with brushing and flossing teeth
    • Teeth spacing 
    • A short upper lip
  • What is a Tongue-Tie?

    A tongue-tie is when the lingual frenulum (the tissue that connects the tongue to the bottom of your mouth) is small or tight. Depending on the severity of the tongue-tie, this condition can affect the way a child speaks, eats, and swallows. In addition, short frenulums can cause issues in the jaw and dental development, breathing issues, and digestive problems. 

    Children with lip or tongue ties often also have reflux problems which can be very painful. If a tight frenulum is negatively impacting the infant's eating habits or is causing the mother pain while breastfeeding, a laser frenectomy will likely be recommended. Although even if the child feeds without struggle and the mother isn’t experiencing pain, a frenectomy may still be recommended to prevent issues with oral development, swallowing solid food, cavities, teeth spacing, breathing, sleep, posture, TMD, reflux, and headaches. 

    Benefits of Laser Tongue-Tie Surgery:

    • Only takes a few minutes 
    • Less painful than traditional frenectomy treatments 
    • Minimal to no bleeding 
    • Close to no recovery time 
    • Minimal chance of reattachment

Dual Wavelengths Laser Release

Traditionally, scalpels or scissors were doctors' only options for many surgical procedures. Lasers have revolutionized the surgical field because they allow a high level of precision, promote quicker healing, and are more comfortable for the patient. 

Dr. Chiang use dual wavelengths to release. Babylase (Nd Yag laser) first to release tension then Fotona Erbium laser or lightscalpel CO2 laser for the actual release. 

Procedures with the lasers are quick and close to painless. The patient will need to wear special protective glasses to keep their eyes safe during their treatment.
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